By registering and/or using this website you hereby agree to the following terms: is a social sharing website, social community and with it comes certain operating conditions that are intent to keep it social in order to benefit everyone that is part of the community.
1. Your photos or videos originated from an external site will be made accessible by the community, defined as registered users of the website and the public. Your original content copyright remained with you however by sharing these contents on our website, these contents may be saved and shared by the community and their members on their own account or their social network and you hereby agree and provide no restrictions or charge any form of fees as to how the users may pin and share these contents. If you have content that is not meant to be social, do not post them on our website. All content posted on this website may not be used for commercial purposes without prior consent from its original copyright owner(s).
2. If you post or contributed content from an external source where the content does not belong and/or originate from you, you hereby agree not to alter, amend, or change the original content. If this content requires exclusive permission to reuse or republish, you hereby agree to obtain such permission from the rightful owner before you place them on our website. It is mandatory for you to make the proper attribution to the original owner.
3. Socially unacceptable content such as pornographic, racism, obscenity and other form of content that is violent or negative in nature is not allowed. You will be suspended and your account will be removed.
4. All opinions in the postings expressed by the our members and other users are exclusively their personal opinions. is not responsible for such expressed personal opinions. If you have an issue with the opinion please deal directly with the person. We also encourage members to restraint themselves in expressing overly negative emotions or opinions without proper substantiation.
5. Not limiting to the above, you hereby waived, its shareholders, directors and employees from any responsibilities pertaining to postings, content and other actions in using our website.
6. reserves the right to remove any post or account and your content will be moderated from time to time.
7. is not responsible for any network errors, disconnection, unauthorised access, hosting service provider issues that may affect the content, user information and availability of this website.
8. reserves the right to change and update this Terms of Use at any time.
9. In short, be a responsible community member and user.
If you have any questions regarding the above terms or just want to get in touch, please contact us.